The Search to Grow Deeper Into God's Heart

I’ve just finished my first year at Christ for the nations, and I just wanted to share with you, all that God’s being doing in my life since I arrived in the land of the cowboys, Dallas, Texas. Ever since day one, God has shown himself faithful!
My first semester was really mainly about, me discovering my identity in Christ, letting go of some of my childish ways and allowing God to put my eyes on Him and on what he has for me.
I found myself in a place, darker than I had ever been before, in the midst of difficulties I had never faced…and it was then, that His light shone brightest. Brighter than it’s ever shone before in my life, and I got a glimpse of Him I had never seen. Not only was I learning theology from 8-12am, every weekday, but I was receiving revelation outside the class time which was changing my life forever. Information became revelation, and learning about God, became learning God. God was ruining me for my own good. I became a youth leader, at a church here in the Dallas county, I was leading worship in churches around the area and I ended up getting A’s in all my classes.
My second semester arrived and on the first weekend of being back, I was preaching at a Sunday morning service, at a church in Branson, Missouri. God’s love really came down that day, people were coming to me giving me money as offerings and asking for me to pray for them as they needed healing!
It was the perfect weekend to set the tone for the rest of the semester. A semester of learning how to rest in God and learning His word. I ended up getting more and more involved in my youth group, to the point where I now sing on stage, and have been asked to preach regularly when I return from my break. God’s surprised me with chances to lead worship in churches around the area, something I’ve never really done. I also worked harder than ever before, and by His grace, I ended up getting all A’s in my second semester too! And on May 15th, 2016. I will be heading to Jamaica on a mission’s trip with my school! I had no money, for my tuition or my mission trip, and God placed it in the heart of man to provide for me.
I really want to thank you all who sowed into my life financially and spiritually and have helped me come, to where I am today. I take a piece of each of you in my heart wherever I go. The seed that was sown, was not in vain.
Davi Guimarães